ORIGIN : UKRAINE & TURKEYColor N A Uniform bright or light gold Uniform bright or light gold
Moisture Maximum 13.50%
Protein (dry basis) Maximum 13.50%
Skinned and Broken Maximum 6% – 8%
Germination Minimum 96%
Mold Maximum 5%
Blight Maximum 4%
Dockage Maximum 0.50%
Wild Oats Maximum 1%
Extraneous Materials Maximum 2%
Sprout Damage Maximum 1%
DON (caused by scab) Maximum 1.0 PPM 1.0 PPM
Thin kernels Maximum 10% through 5.5/64 by 3/4 screen 5% through 5/64 by 3/4 screen Plump
kernels Minimum 75% remaining on 6/64 by 3/4 screen 70% remaining on 6/64 by 3/4 screen Notes
Free of musty and other objectionalbe odors. 2
Dockage is defined as material passing through an 8/64 triangle screen, and all other foreign materal
Extraneous materials are any combination of other barley varieties, other grains,
foreign material, and immature / green kernels totaling 2% maximum.
barley must be delivered in a cool, sweet condition and shall be free of heat or frost damage, ergot, smut, and other contamination, including, but not limited to animal filth, birds, and insects.